Mendieta & Mendieta Lawyers, is an expert law firm in providing legal and financial advice to entrepreneurs, companies or natural people. Aditionally, the firm looks for effective and efficient solutions for solving legal and economic problems.
The firm also aims to defend and represent economic interests in judicial, administrative or arbitral headquarters for the resolution of conflicts. We have the competence for the protection of economics rights in public or private sectors, generation of public-private initiatives in development projects; and investment initiatives evaluation.
We also advise with confidence, efficiency and economy criteria, on business insolvency processes, to ensure their sustainability in the course of time. We are experts who will guide you step by step in your initiative or need for business reorganization, always ensuring the highest quality service.
We are proud of our recognized tradition of excellence.Our legal professionals, with more than 20 years of experiencia, are distinguished for their professionalism, providing a personal touch with their clients, always giving the attention that each case deserves.